What is a BASS BOX?A BASS BOX is essentially a baby grand thumb piano that reproduces the sound of an acoustic stand up bass. Why a BASS BOX instead of a stand up bass?After playing, storing, wrestling, and carrying an upright bass for 13 years I was convinced there must be a better way. The search for this "better way" has lead to what may be the perfect bass instrument for acoustic music. There is definitely a need for an instrument that will perform like a full sized bass, but does away with the hassles of an instrument bigger that the musician. The BASS BOX does this and more. See the "Historical Digression" for more information. How do you play a BASS BOX?The most comfortable position for playing the BASS BOX is to place the instrument on the floor and sit on the upper left hand corner with the right hand hanging over the keyboard. Drawing the fingers over the keys will "pluck" the keys very much like plucking the strings of an upright bass. See Playing Tips for the "How To..." How is a BASS BOX tuned? In what musical keys will a BASS BOX perform best?BASS BOXES come tuned in a circle of fifths- F C G D A E B making it easy to play in the keys of C,G,D,A, and E. See Tuning Tips for the "How To..."